return to events
12 mai 2024, 7:30 pm
Presales: $28 / Regular: $36 / Réduits (Étudiant·e·s, membres Vivier, + de 65 ans, etc.): $20


@ Salle Bleue, Édifice Wilder, 1435 Rue de Bleury, Montréal

Architek Percussion and Sarah Albu collaborate with the artistic collective Quigital to create concert that immerses the audience in the corporate retreat experience!

Corporate Retreat is at once a musical performance, an installation and a participatory art experience that captures the aesthetics of corporate retreats: their blend of synergy and leisure, work and play, and emphasis on team-building exercises. The audience can explore freely, interacting with the musicians and with each other in small groups.

Corporate Retreat draws on the dual roles of performer / retreat facilitator and spectator / retreat participant to create a subtle critique of corporate culture.


Sarah Albu, vocalist

Architek Percussion: Noam Bierstone, Ben Duinker, Alexander Haupt and Alessandro Valiante

Quigital is a collaboration between Patrick Hart (Los Angeles), Eliot Britton (Toronto), Dave Arbez (Winnipeg), and Kevin McPhillips (Ottawa).

advance tickets