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Drones/Revelations en photos

Richard Reed Parry, bassist of the Arcade Fire and electro-acoustic composer of note, created DRONES/REVELATIONS, a site specific electroacoustic composition in a co-presentation between Innovations en concert and Pop Montreal for Pop Montreal’s POP vs. JOCK Celebrity Charity basketball match. Each musical voice within the piece was individually prerecorded, and in performance was broadcast through individual moving speakers mounted on bicycles which circled the audience for the duration of the piece. The composition is inspired by the book of Revelations and the approaching reality of the military’s use of pilotless “drone” bomber planes.

Photographer SUSAN MOSS was at the game, and captured images of the performance.

Innovations en concert would like to thank all performers, volunteers, and audience members who made our September Series possible, and who continue to support our concerts.

photos by Susan Moss